Legacy History
All recorded historical events that occurred in Legacy Edition World SMP.
All historical events that occurred before February 05, 2023, have been erased unfortunately due to rebelling members.
Pre-Great War History
An event where a server-wide 'Great War' was announced was to be held on Saturday, February 04, 2023.
On the day of the Great War, two rival parties emerged to fight each other.
Flav's Team
Flavius17 - Poland/Kiev
fastrawbeast - Italy
Malaka - China
JoveLi - US
SilentHunterX (was not present) - Mozambique
Back's Team
Backwinner - US
xCqsmic (Cosmic) - India
.WalnutJet640563 (was not present) - ???
Clone3 - India
.SkyKnight0777 - Lithuania
bensonbuddyyt - Congo
tectonic2k7 - Congo
mongoose - Colombia
turtlepog - ???
The Great War
Battle & Controversies
The Great War was an event planned to occur on February 4, 2023. Introduced by Flav, the war's purpose was to help spark interesting activity in the server and help determine PvP prowess. This would all occur during one grand battle between the two teams.
Midway through the battle, Backwinner's team had a suspicion that Flavius17 was cheating/using unfair advantages. In response to this suspicion, Backwinner took the initiative to 'even the stakes' by hacking himself.
Backwinner had also believed that Flavius17 had destroyed some items; however, it turns out Backwinner had misread what Flav had said. Flav had only threatened to destroy their items but never did.
The result of the war favored Backwinner's team; however, it was discovered that Backwinner was actively hacking (witnesses claim Backwinner even began flying in front of Flav) on the server and was immediately banned from the Minecraft server.
In outrage, Backwinner and Cosmic went to the Discord server to display their frustrations and accusations against Flav and his team. Specifically, the accusations regarded Flav doing things that seemed impossible without unfair advantages/hacks. Backwinner and xCqsmic specifically questioned Flavius regarding the accusations and how it was done but never received an answer to their question.
Shortly afterward, xCosmic (a server moderator at the time), wiped the entire World SMP Discord server and kicked nearly all of the server's population to get revenge before leaving.
On February 05, 2023, Backwinner and xCqsmic were permanently banned from the Discord server and damage control repairs were initiated by the remaining staff members.
As a result, all information that was recorded in the World SMP Discord server before February 05, 2023, has been permanently lost (except for returning members' memory/witness accounts and Minecraft logs).
Many members who were kicked out of the server never returned and there was great confusion among returning members about what happened to the server.
To prevent future situations from occurring, we have decided to keep multiple documents of historical events and vital information. In addition to this, we have revamped the amount of power staff member ranks have on the Discord server and within the Minecraft server. Our screening process for staff member candidates has also been given more strictness and thought.
This wiki is one of those documents and has been made publicly available to all those seeking to learn about World SMP's (now KoE's) history.
Last updated
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