🀡Geopolitical Regulations

These regulations facilitate general etiquette and protections for nations.

  • Regular NAPs (Non-aggression Pacts) expire 5 days after the declaration

    • Disrupting a NAP is a war crime against the aggressors

  • Max alliances per country: 2

  • Not respecting war demands results in imprisonment

  • A revolution has the same properties as a war

    • Kicking the leader of the revolt from the country is seen as a loss & they can ask for any demands

  • Revolution can only take place 3 days after the result of a war

    • The revolution leader receives 5-day imprisonment if they lose

  • You can disrupt a permanent NAP if someone attacks your ally

  • Nations declaring neutrality must remain that way for 14 days minimum

    • Neutral countries cannot have any alliances

    • Existing alliances are voided for the duration of the neutrality

  • You can only mine in your country

    • Exception: You can mine near if the territory is neighboring you or your country is small in land size

  • You can’t set up your home in a country you don’t own. Only a war base is allowed during war

    • Owners of the land reserve the right to remove any builds and take any items in their land that was created by foreigners without consent

  • Attacking any nation that's under a grace period is a war crime

    • In the event that this occurs, the server administrator will ask the attacking nation(s) to cease their illegal conflict and repay any damages that may have resulted from the conflict

    • Depending on the severity, a server warning and/or harsh punishments from staff may be given

Last updated