Death Plugin
All information about Meowar1's Death Plugin.
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All information about Meowar1's Death Plugin.
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Death Plugin is an open-source custom plugin made for Kings of Earth that is designed to increase the difficulty of survival in Minecraft. Kings of Earth uses the latest edition of Death Plugin (vigor).
The plugin rewards player activity while increasing the difficulty of the server similar to that of Hardcore mode. Players are given vigor for completing daily logins and voting which is the currency required to be able to respawn. Players who lack enough vigor to respawn are banned for 24 hours (which is referred to as being vigor-banned).
Vigor is the currency that runs the plugin. It is required in order for the player to be able to respawn.
Vigor also has the option to be exchanged into physical items (configurable by server OPs).
If a player lacks the sufficient amount of vigor to be able to pay the death penalty (configurable through the config file), the player will not be able to respawn and will be vigor-banned from the server for 24 hours.
Players who are vigor-banned can be revived by a player who is still alive for a certain amount of vigor (configurable through the config file).
Only players who have been banned by this plugin (vigor-banned) can be unbanned using the /revive command.
Players who are successfully revived will bypass the 24-hour ban and can rejoin the server instantly.
We want to thank Neko for taking the time to create this plugin for us. She is a very talented and kind person and we would encourage anyone reading this to check out her other projects. - KoE Staff