War Crimes
This page explains what war crimes on the server are, the types of war crimes, and the possible consequences that can result from them.
We want to have players earn their own justice for minor war crimes. The administration team will be there to help with any confusion regarding war crime classifications.
Major war crimes are dealt with officially only by server administrators.
What are War Crimes?
War crimes are actions carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war.
War crimes also include the breaking of certain server rules (like hacking, Xraying, etc.) while participating in an ongoing conflict.
Types of War Crimes
Two main classifications of War Crimes exist:
Individual War Crimes
Individual War Crimes are war crimes carried out solely by the individual. The individual was not officially ordered by their nation's government to conduct unlawful acts.
Only the individual and appropriate parties can be subject to punishment.
This classification exists because some individuals may be nationless or act of their own volition, separate from the rest of the nation. Instead of punishing the nation that harbors them, we want to focus on the individual rather than the collateral.
National War Crimes
National War Crimes are war crimes carried out officially by a nation's government by ordering individuals to commit unlawful acts and/or by committing them themselves.
The entire nation will be subject to international shaming and other nations can declare war on the said nation.
Only government officials and participating citizens of the nation found guilty will receive punishments and forfeit their non-combatant status. All innocent citizens are not affected.
Consequences of War Crimes
Burning It Down Clause
Actions with the sole intent of destroying the server are considered major war crimes.
Even if all actions were legal, if the server administration discovers that you're making it clear that your main goal is to burn the world down, we will likely ask you to stop.
Failure to abide will result in your permanent removal from the server.
Punishments majorly depend on the severity of the crime.
Crimes that are considered 'minor' war crimes include, but are not limited to:
NAP disruptions
Killing players
The idea of minor war crimes depends on other factors (how much was stolen/griefed, how many times was the player killed, etc.).
Most Minor War Crimes can be resolved within the community and guided with administration help if needed/appropriate.
Crimes that are considered 'major' war crimes include, but are not limited to:
Mass stealing from multiple countries
Mass griefing (like nuking half a country or multiple countries)
Individuals/nations that are subject to these crimes will face administrative punishments including, but not limited to bans, warns, inventory wipes, forfeiture of land, etc.
Last updated
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